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Smarten Software designs, develops and markets customer care and billing software for the rapidly evolving online business arena/market. Smarten Software's Smarten R2 customer management and billing software provides Internet Service Providers, telecommunications providers, emerging Internet businesses and corporations offering online services, with a solution for the effective billing and care management of customers, according to their usage of subscribed services.

Currently based in Rome, Smarten Software began in January 1999 as a start-up company founded upon two years previous experience of working on projects for ISP service management centres. This experience led to the Managing Director Claudio Vaccarella and the Chief Architect, David Greco to define the architecture for Smarten R2.

Smarten Software developed an excellent early track record in Italy and now aims to make significant inroads into the international market. Smarten Software estimate that 30% of their sales will be generated from abroad in 2000, a proportion Smarten expects to grow to 60% in 2001. Smarten is currently recruiting a high profile head of International Marketing and Sales to assist in this growth strategy.

Smarten Software's clients include Wind, the third placed Italian telecommunications and Internet operator; Albacom the wireline operator specialising in Business to Business services; Netbusiness also using Smarten for voice services and FST, for Application service provision. In addition to these clients, Smarten Software can count some of the leading software developers and database management system providers amongst its partners. These include Sun Microsystems, Iona Technologies, Xaact Technologies and the Versant Corporation amongst others.